dissertation_work/Dissertation/UARK Thesis Template/main.tex

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2024-03-12 00:41:42 +00:00
%% UA doctoral thesis template to accompany uamaththesis.cls
%% last updated April 2018. Please suggest corrections, changes and
%% improvements to Dan Luecking, SCEN 354.
% Load the class file. This takes the options "chapters", "MS", "MA, and
% "PhD". The last 3 are mutually exclusive and PhD is the default.
% The chapters option indicates that your thesis has chapter subdivisions.
% If it is present, this class loads the LaTeX report class, otherwise
% it loads the article class. In either case, it is loaded with the
% "12pt" option.
% The MS and MA options indicates that this is a Master's thesis rather
% than a doctoral dissertation. This has not been thoroughly tested.
% Pretty much all they do is to substitute "thesis" for "dissertation" in
% a few commands and text. They also sets the default name of the
% degree, if you don't provide one (see \degreename below)
% Any other options are passed directly to the loaded class: article or
% report
% Loading packages (amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, setspace, and tocbibind
% are already preloaded). Do _not_ use tocloft unless you know how to
% customize it to satisfy the UA thesis requirements.
% For more flexibility in number formating, load the enumerate package.
% However, make sure you satisfy the Grad school thesis checkers.
\usepackage{cases, caption}
\tikzset{degil/.style={line width=0.75pt,double distance=2pt,
mark= at position 0.5 with {
\node[transform shape] (tempnode) {$\backslash$};
%\draw[thick] (tempnode.north east) -- (tempnode.south west);
commutative diagrams/.cd,
arrow style=tikz,
diagrams={>=open triangle 45, line width=0.5pt, double distance=2pt}}
% your definitions
%\newcommand{\disk}{\mathbb{D}} % for example
%%% to repeat theorem
% the argument of restatedtheorem* shouldn't ever actually be used
\begin{restatedtheorem*}[\autoref*{#2} (#1)]%
%%% Shortcuts and symbols
\newcommand{\calA}{ \mathcal{ A } }
\newcommand{\calB}{ \mathcal{ B } }
\newcommand{\sbt}{\,\begin{picture}(-1,1)(-1,-2)\circle*{2}\end{picture}\ }
\DeclareMathOperator{\Homs}{\mathscr{H}\text{\kern -3pt {\calligra\large om}}\,}
% Theorem-like environments:
% These are predefined, but you may redo any of them with shorter names
% if you prefer. (Note: latex does not allow you to redefine a
% theorem-like environment, so if you want to change the style of one of
% these, use a different name, e.g. prop instead of proposition)
% \theoremstyle{plain}
% \theoremstyle{definition}
% \theoremstyle{remark}
% Your thesis title:
% You must use title case: generally every word is capitalized
% except articles (the, a, an) prepositions (of, to, in, with, for, etc.)
% and conjunctions (and, or, but, while, etc.)
% Required.
% Your name as UAConnect knows you:
% Required.
\author{NAME HERE}
% information about your bachelors degree or the equivalent.
% Required.
\bachelorinstitution{UNIVERSITY NAME}
% If you have more than one bachelors degree:
%\bachelorinstitutiontwo{Medium State University}
%\bachelordegreetwo{Bachelor of Science in Science}
% and so on, up to \bachelor...three
% information about your masters or other post baccalariat degree.
% Required if you have one.
\masterinstitution{UNIVERSITY NAME}
% If you have more than one masters degree:
%\masterinstitutiontwo{University of Alabama}
%\masterdegreetwo{Master of Arts in Art}
% and so on up to \master...three
% If you have a previous PhD, use the next available \master...
% commands for it.
% Name of degree plus month and year of the final approval.
% Required.
%\degreename{Master of Science in Mathematics}
\degreename{Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics}
% Your advisor
% Required.
% Use the first for masters, the second for PhD.
%\thesisdirector{Luigi N. Mario, M.F.A.} % for master's degree.
% or
\dissertationdirector{ADVISOR NAME.}
% Your dissertation/thesis committee. Titles used to be required (Dr. or Prof.
% unless neither applies). But now they seem to want just the highest degree
% earned after the name.
% Two required, extras are optional. I have made provision for up to
% four
\committeememberone{COMMITTEE MEMBER NAME.}
\committeemembertwo{COMMITTEE MEMBER NAME.}
%\committeememberthree{Dr.\ Mario N. Luigi}
%\committeememberfour{Luigi N. Mario, M.F.A.}
% Start of dissertation/thesis. The \frontmatter command turns off page
% numbering until the \mainmatter command. This is the style mandated
% by the UA dissertation guide. Do not complain to me.
% Required:
% The grad school now requires the right margins not be justified.
% The \raggedright command is rather inelegant. One can get more
% control of "raggedness" using the ragged2e package.
% Required if some package you used turns it off:
%\parindent 20pt % reset indentation removed by previous command
% The abstract. Should be less than one page, but this is not forced.
% Required.
% Acknowledgements. Usually less than one page
% Not required, but I've never seen a thesis without one.
% Table of Contents.
% Required:
% Other lists if applicable:
% \listoftables
% etc.
% Signals start of actual thesis. Starts up page numbering.
% Required:
% Introductory section or chapter.
% An introduction is not required but very highly recommended. A
% thesis consisting of reproduced published articles *must* include
% a section titled "Introduction" separate from those articles:
% \chapter{Introduction} or
% \section{Introduction}
% Put the rest of the theses here. Several more sections %
% (chapters) containing actual mathematics and proofs. %
% If you load a package that changes the behavior of citations and
% bibliography formatting, the following two commands may be necessary
% (and shouldn't hurt). Adjust the first fraction if the Grad School
% hassles you about spacing between references.
\setlength{\itemsep}{.75\baselineskip plus .2\baselineskip minus .1\baselineskip}
% If no biblography package is loaded, the references will be formatted
% as a section, starting on a new page. If you want it formatted as a
% new chapter, let me know, but expect the grad school to complain about
% the formating in the table of contents.
% If you prefer the References section to be labelled something else:
%\renewcommand{\refname}{Bibliography}% "Works Cited" is another possibility.
% The reference section is required to be listed in the TOC, and an added
% package may change that. If so the following may be needed just before
% the bibliography:
% \clearpage
% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}%
% The closing "thebibliography" environment can be completely replaced
% (if you use BibTeX) by
% \bibliographstyle{plain}% for example, or amsplain or whatever.
% \bibliography{nameoffile}% name of your .bib data file
% If you use natbib package, use a comatible style, e.g., plainnat
% Appendices go after
% If chapters are used:
%\chapter{Some more stuff}% Appendix A
% otherwise
%\section{Some more stuff}% Appendix A