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\title{Some questions related to Iserles' textbook}
\author{Joshua Lee Padgett}
\section{Euler's method and beyond}
The following questions are meant to help ensure you have a solid \emph{conceptual} understanding of the material from Chapter 1 of Iserles' textbook.
Let $T \in (0,\infty)$, $d \in \N = \{1,2,3,\dots\}$,
let $\norm{\cdot} \colon \R^d \to [0,\infty)$ be a function which satisfies for all $u,v \in \R^d$, $s \in \R$ that $\norm{u+v} \le \norm{u}+\norm{v}$, $\norm{ su } = \abs{s} \norm{u}$, and $\norm{u} = 0$ if and only if $u = 0$,
let $\floor{\cdot}_h \colon [0,T] \to [0,T]$, $h \in (0,\infty)$, be the functions which satisfy for all $h \in (0,\infty)$, $t \in [0,T]$ that $\floor{t}_h = \max\pr[]{ [0,t] \cap \{0,h,2h,\dots\} }$,
let $f \colon \R^d \to \R^d$ be a function which satisfies that
\br*{ \sup_{v \in \R^d} \norm[\big]{ f(v) } } + \br*{ \sup_{v,w\in\R^d, v\neq w} \frac{ \norm{ f(v) - f(w) } }{ \norm{ v-w } } } < \infty \dc
let $y \colon [0,T] \to \R^d$ be a measurable function which satisfies for all $t \in [0,T]$ that
y(t) = y(0) + \int_0^t f\pr[\big]{ y(s) } \dx s \dc
and for every $h \in (0,\infty)$ let $Y_{0,h}, Y_{1,h} , \dots , Y_{\floor{T/h},h} \in \R^d$ satisfy for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-1\}$ that $Y_{0,h} = y(0)$ and
Y_{n+1,h} = Y_{n,h} + h f \pr[\big]{ Y_{n,h} } \dpp
Do you understand \cref{setting1} above?
Do you understand what each individual component means and do you see why each component is necessary to present a well-defined numerical method (i.e., the method in \cref{def:euler})?
Assume \cref{setting1}.
We say that \cref{def:euler} is a convergent numerical method for \cref{def:y_prob} if and only if it holds that
\lim_{h \to 0^+} \br*{ \max_{n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{T/h} \} } \norm[\big]{ y(nh) - Y_{n,h} } } = 0 \dpp
Do you understand conceptually what the notion of convergence is implying?
Can you see how the topology of the problem would come into play if we were not considering a problem posed in a finite-dimensional space?
Let $\alpha \in [0,\infty)$ and let $a_0,a_1,a_2,\ldots \in [0,\infty)$ and $b_0,b_1,b_2,\ldots \in [0,\infty)$ satisfy for all $n \in \N_0 = \N \cup \{0\}$ that
a_n \le \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} b_k a_k \dpp
Then it holds for all $n \in \N_0$ that
a_n \le \alpha \exp\pr*{ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} b_k } \dpp
First, we claim that for all $n \in \N_0$ it holds that
a_n \le \alpha \br*{ \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_k } } \dpp
We now prove \cref{eq:induct_claim} by mathematical induction on $n \in \N_0$.
For the base case $n=0$, note that \cref{eq:gron1} ensures that
a_0 \le \alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{-1} b_k a_k = \alpha + 0 = \alpha \dpp
Combining this and the fact that $\prod_{k=0}^{-1} (1 + b_k) = 1$ establishes \cref{eq:induct_claim} in the base case $n=0$.
For the induction step $\N_0 \ni (n-1) \induct n \in \N$, let $n \in \N$ and assume that for every $m \in \{0,1,\dots,n-1\}$ it holds that
a_m \le \alpha \br*{ \prod_{k=0}^{m-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_k } } \dpp
This and \cref{eq:gron1} assure that
\alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} b_k a_k
\alpha + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} b_k \pr*{ \alpha \br*{ \prod_{j=0}^{k-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } } }
\alpha \pr*{ 1 + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \br*{ \prod_{j=0}^{k-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } } b_k }
Next, observe that
1 + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \br*{ \prod_{j=0}^{k-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } } b_k
& =
1 + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \br*{ \prod_{j=0}^{k-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } } \pr[\big]{ (1 + b_k) - 1 }
& =
1 + \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \br*{ \prod_{j=0}^{k} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } - \prod_{j=0}^{k-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } }
& =
1 + \prod_{j=0}^{n-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j } - \prod_{j=0}^{-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j }
\prod_{j=0}^{n-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_j }
Combining this, \cref{eq:gron3}, and mathematical induction establishes \cref{eq:induct_claim}.
Moreover, note that the fact that for all $x \in [0,\infty)$ it holds that $1 + x \le \exp(x)$, the assumption that $b_0,b_1,b_2,\ldots \in [0,\infty)$, and \cref{eq:induct_claim} imply that for all $n \in \N_0$ it holds that
a_n \le \alpha \br*{ \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \pr[\big]{ 1 + b_k } }
\le \alpha \br*{ \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \exp(b_k) }
\le \alpha \exp\pr*{ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} b_k } \dpp
This establishes \cref{eq:gron2}.
Assume \cref{setting1}.
Using \cref{lem:gronwall} above, prove that there exists $C \in [0,\infty)$ such that for all $h \in (0,\infty)$
%%%, $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}\}$
it holds that
\max_{n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{T/h}\} } \norm[\big]{ y(nh) - Y_{n,h} } \le C h \dpp
Explain how proving \cref{eq:converge} holds would relate to the notion of convergence (cf.\ \cref{def:converge}).
Can you present the theta method from the textbook in the rigorous format used in \cref{setting1} above?
Let $\T , p \in (0,\infty)$, $d \in \N$,
let $\norm{\cdot} \colon \R^d \to [0,\infty)$ be a function which satisfies for all $u,v \in \R^d$, $s \in \R$ that $\norm{u+v} \le \norm{u}+\norm{v}$, $\norm{ su } = \abs{s} \norm{u}$, and $\norm{u} = 0$ if and only if $u = 0$,
let $\floor{\cdot}_h \colon [0,\T] \to [0,\T]$, $h \in (0,\infty)$, be the functions which satisfy for all $h \in (0,\infty)$, $t \in [0,\T]$ that $\floor{t}_h = \max\pr[]{ [0,t] \cap \{0,h,2h,\dots\} }$,
let $g \colon \R^d \to \R^d$ be a function which satisfies that
%%%\br*{ \sup_{v \in \R^d} \norm[\big]{ f(v) } } +
\sup_{v,w\in\R^d, v\neq w} \frac{ \norm{ g(v) - g(w) } }{ \pr[\big]{ 1 + \norm{v}^p + \norm{w}^p }\norm{ v-w } }
< \infty \dc
let $z \colon [0,\T] \to \R^d$ be a measurable function which satisfies for all $t \in [0,\T]$ that
z(t) = z(0) + \int_0^t g\pr[\big]{ z(s) } \dx s \dc
and for every $h \in (0,\infty)$ let $Z_{0,h}, Z_{1,h} , \dots , Z_{\floor{\T/h},h} \in \R^d$ satisfy for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\allowbreak\floor{\nicefrac{\T}{h}}-1\}$ that $Z_{0,h} = z(0)$ and
Z_{n+1,h} = Z_{n,h} + h g \pr[\big]{ Z_{n,h} } \dpp
Can we prove a result similar to that in \cref{prob3} under the assumptions outline in \cref{setting2} above?
If not, can we prove a result that is ``similar'' to the result in \cref{prob3}?
What additional assumptions (if any) are needed to prove either of the above results?
\subsection{An exploration of the linear case}
We denote by
$ \exp \colon (\medcup{d \in \N} \C^{d\times d}) \to (\medcup{d \in \N} \C^{d\times d})$
the function which satisfies for all
$d \in \N$,
$A \in \C^{d \times d}$
\exp(A) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty (\nicefrac{1}{k!}) A^k
For every
$ d \in \N $
$ \nnn_d = \{1,2,\dots,d\} $,
for every
$ d \in \N $
$S_d = \{ (\sigma \colon \nnn_d \to \nnn_d ) \colon \text{$\sigma$ is a bijection} \}$,
$ \ppp \colon (\medcup{d\in\N}S_d) \to \N_0 $
be the function which satisfies for all
$ d \in \N $,
$ \sigma \in S_d $
$ \ppp(\sigma) = \sum_{i=1}^d \sum_{j=i+1}^d \mathbbm{1}_{(0,\infty)} (\sigma_i - \sigma_j) $,
and let
$ \operatorname{sgn} \colon (\medcup{d\in\N}S_d) \to \{-1,1\} $
be the function which satisfies for all
$ d \in \N $,
$ \sigma \in S_d $
$ \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) = (-1)^{\ppp(\sigma)} $.
Then we denote by
$\det \colon (\medcup{d\in\N}\R^{d\times d}) \to \R$
the function which satisfies for all
$ d \in \N $,
$A = (a_{i,j})_{i,j \in \{1,2,\dots,d\}} \in \R^{d \times d}$
$ \det(A) = \sum_{\sigma \in S} \br[]{ \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) \prod_{i=1}^d a_{i,\sigma_i} } $.
We denote by
$ \operatorname{tr} \colon (\medcup{d\in\N}\R^{d\times d}) \to \R $
the function which satisfies for all
$ d\in \N $,
$A = (a_{i,j})_{i,j \in \{1,2,\dots,d\}} \in \R^{d \times d}$
$ \operatorname{tr}(A) = \sum_{i=1}^d a_{i,i} $.
$d \in \N$,
$A,B \in \R^{d\times d}$
let $\norm{\cdot} \colon \R^d \to [0,\infty)$ be a function which satisfies for all $u,v \in \R^d$, $s \in \R$ that $\norm{u+v} \le \norm{u}+\norm{v}$, $\norm{ su } = \abs{s} \norm{u}$, and $\norm{u} = 0$ if and only if $u = 0$.
it holds that
$ \norm{ \exp(A) } \le \exp( \norm{A} ) < \infty$,
it holds for all
$ s,t \in \R $
$ \exp( sA + tA ) = \exp(sA) \exp(tA) $,
it holds that
$ \exp(A) \exp(-A) = \operatorname{id}_{\R^{d\times d}} $,
it holds that
$ \exp( A + B ) = \exp(A) \exp(B) $
if and only if it holds that
$ AB = BA $,
it holds that
$ \det(\exp(A)) = \exp(\operatorname{tr}(A)) $
(cf.\ \cref{def:mat_exp,def:mat_det,def:mat_trace}).
$ A \in \R^{2\times 2}$
A =
-1 & 1 \\ -2 & -4
\item \label{prob:mat_exp1_item1}
Show that there exist
$D = (d_{i,j})_{i,j\in\{1,2\}} \in \R^{2\times 2}$,
$P \in \R^{2\times 2}$
$ \det(P) \neq 0 $,
$ d_{1,2} = d_{2,1} = 0 $,
$ A = PDP^{-1} $
(cf.\ \cref{def:mat_det}).
Use the results from \cref{prob:mat_exp1_item1} to show that
2\exp(-2) - \exp(-3) & \exp(-2) - \exp(-3) \\
2\exp(-3) - 2\exp(-2) & 2\exp(-3) - \exp(-2)
(cf.\ \cref{def:mat_exp}).
$ T \in (0,\infty) $,
let $\norm{\cdot} \colon \R^2 \to [0,\infty)$ be the function which satisfies for all
$ u = (u_1,u_2) \in \R^2 $
$\norm{u} = [\abs{u_1}^2 + \abs{u_2}^2]^{\nicefrac{1}{2}}$,
let $\floor{\cdot}_h \colon [0,T] \to [0,T]$, $h \in (0,\infty)$, be the functions which satisfy for all $h \in (0,\infty)$, $t \in [0,T]$ that $\floor{t}_h = \max\pr[]{ [0,t] \cap \{0,h,2h,\dots\} }$,
$ A \in \R^{2\times 2}$,
$ y \in C([0,T],\R^2) $
satisfy for all
$ t \in [0,T] $
%%%$ y(0) = (1,1) \in \R^2 $
A =
-1 & 1 \\ -2 & -4
y(t) = (1,1)^* + \int_0^t A y(s) \dx s \dc
and for every $h \in (0,\infty)$ let $Y_{0,h}, Y_{1,h} , \dots , Y_{\floor{T/h},h} \in \R^2$ satisfy for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-1\}$ that $Y_{0,h} = y(0)$ and
Y_{n+1,h} = Y_{n,h} + h A Y_{n,h} \dpp
Prove that for all
$ t \in [0,T] $
it holds that
$ y(t) = \exp(tA)y(0) $
(cf.\ \cref{def:mat_exp}).
Prove that for all
$h \in (0,\infty)$,
$n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}\}$
it holds that
Y_{n,h} = \pr[\big]{ \operatorname{id}_{\R^{2\times 2}} + hA }^{\!n} y(0)
Prove that for all
$ h \in (0,\infty) $
it holds that
\norm[\Big]{ \exp(hA)y(0) - \pr[\big]{ \operatorname{id}_{\R^{2\times 2}} + hA } y(0) }
\norm*{ \int_0^h (h-s) A^2 \exp\pr[\big]{ sA } y(0) \dx s }
\frac{h^2}{2} \br*{ \sup_{\mathfrak{h} \in (0,h)} \pr*{ \sup_{v \in \R^2 \backslash \{0\} } \frac{ \norm{ \exp(\mathfrak{h} A) v } }{ \norm{v} } } } \norm[\big]{ A^2 y(0) }
\sqrt{17} \, h^2
(cf.\ \cref{def:mat_exp}).
Prove that for all
$h \in (0,\infty)$,
$n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}\}$
it holds that
y(nh) - Y_{n,h}
\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \exp\pr[\big]{ khA } \br[\Big]{ \exp\pr[\big]{ hA } - \pr[\big]{ \operatorname{id}_{\R^{2\times 2}} + hA } } \pr[\big]{ \operatorname{id}_{\R^{2\times 2}} + hA }^{(n-k-1)} y(0)
(cf.\ \cref{def:mat_exp}).
Prove that
\sup_{h \in (0,\infty)} \br*{ \max_{ n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}\} } \norm[\big]{ y(nh) - Y_{n,h} } } \le T \exp\pr[\big]{ \nicefrac{9T}{2} } \sqrt{34} \, h
\section{Multistep methods}
Let $T \in (0,\infty)$,
$d,s \in \N$,
$a_0,a_1,\dots,a_s \in \R$,
$b_0,b_1,\dots,b_s \in \R$,
let $\norm{\cdot} \colon \R^d \to [0,\infty)$ be a function which satisfies for all $u,v \in \R^d$, $s \in \R$ that $\norm{u+v} \le \norm{u}+\norm{v}$, $\norm{ su } = \abs{s} \norm{u}$, and $\norm{u} = 0$ if and only if $u = 0$,
let $\floor{\cdot}_h \colon [0,T] \to [0,T]$, $h \in (0,\infty)$, be the functions which satisfy for all $h \in (0,\infty)$, $t \in [0,T]$ that $\floor{t}_h = \max\pr[]{ [0,t] \cap \{0,h,2h,\dots\} }$,
let $\A = \cu[]{ g \colon [0,T] \to \R^d \colon \text{$f$ is analytic in $[0,T]$} }$,
for every $h \in (0,\infty)$, $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-1\}$, $g \in \A$ let $\D \colon \A \to \A$ and $\E_h \colon \A \to \A$ satisfy
\pr[\big]{ \D g } \lr (nh) = \pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd}{\dd t} g } \lr (nh)
\qquad \text{and} \qquad
\pr[\big]{ \E_h g } \lr (nh) = g\pr[\big]{ (n+1)h } \dc
let $f \colon \R^d \to \R^d$ be a function which satisfies that
\br*{ \sup_{v \in \R^d} \norm[\big]{ f(v) } } + \br*{ \sup_{v,w\in\R^d, v\neq w} \frac{ \norm{ f(v) - f(w) } }{ \norm{ v-w } } } < \infty \dc
let $y \colon [0,T] \to \R^d$ be a measurable function which satisfies for all $t \in [0,T]$ that
y(t) = y(0) + \int_0^t f\pr[\big]{ y(s) } \dx s \dc
and for every $h \in (0,\infty)$ let $Y_{0,h}, Y_{1,h} , \dots , Y_{\floor{T/h},h} \in \R^d$ satisfy for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-s\}$ that $Y_{0,h} = y(0)$ and
\sum_{m=0}^s a_m Y_{n+m,h} = h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m f \pr[\big]{ Y_{n+m,h} } \dpp
Assume \cref{setting_2_1}.
We say that \cref{def:multi} is a numerical method of order $p \in \N_0$ if and only if there exists $C \in (0,\infty)$ such that for all $h \in (0,\infty)$, $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}\}$ with $h$ sufficiently close to zero it holds that
\norm[\Big]{ \textstyle \sum_{m=0}^s a_m y\pr[\big]{ (n+m)h } - h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m f\pr[\big]{ y\pr[\big]{ (n+m)h } } } \le C h^{p+1} \dpp
Assume \cref{setting_2_1} and let $p \in \N$.
Then \cref{def:multi} is of order $p$ if and only if there exists $C \in (0,\infty)$ such that for all $z \in \R$
with $z$ sufficiently close to one
it holds that
\abs[\big]{ \textstyle\sum_{m=0}^s a_m z^m - \ln(z) \sum_{m=0}^s b_m z^m } \le C \abs{ z-1 }^{p+1}
(cf.\ \cref{def:order}).
Throughout this proof let $h \in (0,\infty)$ be sufficiently small,
let $\rho \colon \R \to \R$ and $\sigma \colon \R \to \R$ be the functions which satisfy for all $z \in \R$ that
\rho(z) = \sum_{m=0}^s a_m z^m
\qquad \text{and} \qquad
\sigma(z) = \sum_{m=0}^s b_m z^m \dc
without loss of generality assume that $y \in \A$.
%%% and that its radius of convergence is \emph{at least} $sh$.
Note that Taylor's theorem guarantees that for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}\}$, $k \in \N_0$ it holds that
\pr[\Big]{ \E_h \pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd^k}{\dd t^k} y } } \lr (nh)
\pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd^k}{\dd t^k} y } \lr \pr[\big]{ (n+1)h }
& =
\sum_{j=0}^\infty \frac{h^j}{j!} \pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd^{k+j}}{\dd t^{k+j}} y } \lr \pr[]{ nh }
& =
\sum_{j=0}^\infty \frac{h^j}{j!} \pr[\Big]{ \tfrac{\dd^j}{\dd t^j} \pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd^{k}}{\dd t^{k}} y } } \lr \pr[]{ nh }
& =
\sum_{j=0}^\infty \frac{h^j}{j!} \pr[\Big]{ \D^j \pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd^{k}}{\dd t^{k}} y } } \lr \pr[]{ nh }
Combining this and the fact that $\D$ is a bounded linear operator (something we have not shown, but which can be shown) ensures that
\E_h = \exp\pr[\big]{ h \D } \dpp
Next, observe that \cref{eq:ode_multi} assures that for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-s\}$ it holds that
\sum_{m=0}^s a_m y\pr[\big]{ (n+m)h } - h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m f\pr[\big]{ y( (n+m)h ) }
& \quad =
\sum_{m=0}^s a_m y\pr[\big]{ (n+m)h } - h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m \pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd}{\dd t} y } \lr \pr[\big]{ (n+m)h }
& \quad =
\sum_{m=0}^s a_m \pr[\big]{ \E_h^m y } \lr (nh) - h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m \pr[\Big]{ \E_h^m \pr[\big]{ \D y } } \lr (nh)
This, the fact that \cref{eq:shift_rep} implies that for all $g \in \A$ it holds that $(\D(\E_h g)) = (\E_h(\D g))$, the fact that $\D$ is a linear operator, and the so-called Borel functional calculus guarantee that for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-s\}$ it holds that
\sum_{m=0}^s a_m y\pr[\big]{ (n+m)h } - h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m f\pr[\big]{ y( (n+m)h ) }
& \quad =
\sum_{m=0}^s a_m \pr[\big]{ \E_h^m y } \lr (nh) - h \pr*{ \D \sum_{m=0}^s b_m \pr[\big]{ \E_h^m y } } \lr (nh)
& \quad =
\pr[\Bigg]{ \pr[\bigg]{ \sum_{m=0}^s a_m \E_h^m - h \D \sum_{m=0}^s b_m \E_h^m } y } \lr (nh)
\pr[\Big]{ \pr[\big]{ \rho(\E_h) - h \D \sigma(\E_h) } y } \lr (nh)
This shows that for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-s\}$ it holds that
\abs*{ \sum_{m=0}^s a_m y\pr[\big]{ (n+m)h } - h \sum_{m=0}^s b_m f\pr[\big]{ y( (n+m)h ) } }
& \quad =
\abs*{ \pr[\Big]{ \pr[\big]{ \rho(\E_h) - h \D \sigma(\E_h) } y } \lr (nh) }
\br*{ \sup_{g \in \A \backslash \{0\} } \frac{ \abs*{ \pr[\big]{ \pr[]{ \rho(\E_h) - h \D \sigma(\E_h) } g } \lr (nh) } }{ \abs{g(nh)} } } \abs[\big]{ y(nh) }
\dpp \nonumber
In addition, note that \cref{eq:shift_rep}, the fact that for all $g \in \A$, $t \in [0,T]$ it holds that $\lim_{z\to 0^+} (\E_z g)(t) = g(t)$ (can you see that this is true?), and the implicit function theorem demonstrate that for all $g \in \A$, $t \in [0,T]$ it holds that
\pr[\big]{ h\D g } \lr (t) = \pr[\big]{ \ln(\E_h) g } \lr (t) = \pr*{ \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^{k}}{k+1} \pr[\big]{ \E_h - \operatorname{id} }^{k+1} g } \lr (t) \dpp
This and the Borel functional calculus
%%%, and the fact that the spectrum of $\E_h$ is contained in the set $[-h,h] \subseteq \R$ (this is something we can prove if we know a little functional analysis)
yield that
there exists $\gamma_h \subseteq \C$ (with the spectrum of $\E_h$ contained inside of $\gamma_h$---we can discuss this, if desired) such that
for all $g \in \A$, $t \in [0,T]$ it holds that
\pr[\Big]{ \pr[\big]{ \rho(\E_h) - \ln(\E_h) \sigma(\E_h) } g } \lr (t)
\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\gamma_h} \br[\big]{ \rho(z) - \ln(z) \sigma(z) } \pr[\big]{ (z\operatorname{id} - \E_h)^{-1} g } \lr (t) \dx z
Combining \cref{eq:2_15,eq:2_17} hence proves \cref{eq:lemma:multi}.
\section{Runge-Kutta methods}
\section{Stiff equations}
$y_\lambda \colon [0,\infty) \to \C$, $\lambda \in \C$, be measurable functions which satisfy for all $\lambda \in \C$, $t \in [0,\infty)$ that
y_\lambda(t) = 1 + \lambda \int_0^t y(s) \dx s \dc
let $h \in (0,\infty)$,
for every $\lambda \in \C$ let
$Y_{0,\lambda} , Y_{1,\lambda} , Y_{2,\lambda}, \ldots \in \R$ satisfy
$Y_{0,\lambda} = 1$,
assume there exists
$p,C \in (0,\infty)$
such that for all $\lambda \in \C$ with $\lambda + \bar{\lambda} \in (-\infty,0)$ it holds that
\sup_{n \in \N_0} \abs[\big]{ y_\lambda(nh) - Y_{n,\lambda} } \le C h^p \dpp
Then the set
\mathcal{D} = \cu[\big]{ h\lambda \in \C \colon \textstyle\lim_{n\to\infty} Y_{n,\lambda} = 0 } \subseteq \C
is the \emph{linear stability domain} of the numerical method
$\{Y_{n,\lambda}\}_{(n,\lambda) \in \N_0 \times \C}$.
Moreover, we say that the numerical method
$\{Y_{n,\lambda}\}_{(n,\lambda) \in \N_0 \times \C}$
is A-stable if it holds that
\cu[\big]{ z \in \C \colon z + \bar{z} \in (-\infty,0) } \subseteq \mathcal{D} \dpp
Let $T \in (0,\infty)$, $d \in \N$,
let $\norm{\cdot} \colon \R^d \to [0,\infty)$ be a function which satisfies for all $u,v \in \R^d$, $s \in \R$ that $\norm{u+v} \le \norm{u}+\norm{v}$, $\norm{ su } = \abs{s} \norm{u}$, and $\norm{u} = 0$ if and only if $u = 0$,
let $\floor{\cdot}_h \colon [0,T] \to [0,T]$, $h \in (0,\infty)$, be the functions which satisfy for all $h \in (0,\infty)$, $t \in [0,T]$ that $\floor{t}_h = \max\pr[]{ [0,t] \cap \{0,h,2h,\dots\} }$,
let $f \in C^1(\R^d,\R^d)$ satisfy
\br*{ \sup_{v \in \R^d} \norm[\big]{ f(v) } } + \br*{ \sup_{v,w\in\R^d, v\neq w} \frac{ \norm{ f(v) - f(w) } }{ \norm{ v-w } } } < \infty \dc
let $y \colon [0,T] \to \R^d$ be a measurable function which satisfies for all $t \in [0,T]$ that
y(t) = y(0) + \int_0^t f\pr[\big]{ y(s) } \dx s \dc
and for every $h \in (0,\infty)$ let $Y_{0,h}, Y_{1,h} , \dots , Y_{\floor{T/h},h} \in \R^d$ satisfy for all $n \in \{0,1,\dots,\floor{\nicefrac{T}{h}}-1\}$ that $Y_{0,h} = y(0)$ and
Y_{n+1,h} = Y_{n,h} + \tfrac{h}{4} \br[\Big]{ f\pr[\big]{ Y_{n,h} } + 3 f\pr[\big]{ Y_{n+1,h} } } \dpp
Determine whether or not \cref{eq:3_4_theta} is consistent (cf.\ \cref{def:order}).
If \cref{eq:3_4_theta} is consistent, determine its order.
Determine whether or not \cref{eq:3_4_theta} is convergent (cf.\ \cref{def:converge}).
Determine whether or not \cref{eq:3_4_theta} is A-stable (cf.\ \cref{def:stable}).
\section{Geometric numerical integration}
\section{Error control}
\section{Nonlinear algebraic systems}
\section{Finite difference schemes}
Let $N \in \N_0$, $\alpha , \beta \in \R$,
$f \in C(\R,\R)$
$u \in C^4([0,1],\R)$
satisfy for all
$ x \in [0,1] $
$u(0) = \alpha$,
$u(1) = \beta$,
\pr[\big]{ \tfrac{\dd^2}{\dd x^2} u } \lr (x) = f(x) \dc
$h_0,h_1,\dots,h_N , x_0,x_1,\dots,x_{N+1} \in [0,1]$
satisfy for all
$n \in \{0,1,\dots,N\}$
0 = x_0 < x_1 < x_2 < \ldots < x_N < x_{N+1} = 1
\qquad \text{and} \qquad
h_n = x_{n+1} - x_n \dpp
\item \label{prob:finite_difference_a}
Construct a three-point finite difference scheme for approximating the solution to \cref{eq:1d_laplace} on the non-uniform grid $\{ x_n \}_{n\in\{0,1,\dots,N+1\}} \subseteq [0,1]$ given by \cref{eq:non-uniform_grid}.
Determine the order of the method constructed in \cref{prob:finite_difference_a}~above.
Determine what additional assumptions are necessary (if any) for guaranteeing this order.
Compare these results with the case from Section 8.2 of the textbook (i.e., the case when $h_0 = h_1 = \ldots = h_N$).
\item \label{prob:finite_difference_c}
Write the finite difference scheme constructed in \cref{prob:finite_difference_a}~above in the form of a linear system (i.e., as a matrix-vector equation).
Determine whether the linear system obtained in \cref{prob:finite_difference_c}~is always nonsingular.
If the linear system is not always nonsingular, provide sufficient conditions to guarantee that the linear system is nonsingular.
Implement your finite difference scheme (i.e., the difference equations from \cref{prob:finite_difference_a}\ above or the linear system from \cref{prob:finite_difference_c}~above) in Python.
Numerically compare the approximate solution with the true solution for some ``test case.''